InterPrET research center is constantly seeking good, highly motivated students for various projects:
1) Application of systems biology approaches to disease models.
The Center for Interactions of Proteins in Epithelial Transport (InterPrET) is a new pilot center funded by the Aarhus University Research Foundation. One area of research within the center is to utilize systems biology approaches, including state-of-the-art mass spectrometry, high-level computational algorithms, and bioinformatics to assess relevant clinical problems. The aim is to apply these state-of-the-art techniques to investigate the underlying pathogenesis of disease models at the molecular level and to identify potential molecular targets for the treatment of these diseases. The potential disease models (cell-culture and/or animal models) include polycystic kidney disease, salt-sensitive hypertension, and autoimmune diseases.
The research projects will give you experience in all aspects of systems biology and translational research. You will become part of the international, dynamic and stimulating systems biology research group led by Dr. Trairak Pisitkun, a physician and previously a senior researcher from the Systems Biology Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA. We are located at the Department of Biomedicine, and the local research environment contains postdocs, PhD students, affiliated students and laboratory technicians.
Contact: Dr. Trairak Pisitkun ( or Prof. Robert A. Fenton (Center leader,
2) Research into mechanisms regulating water and salt balance. Research year students.
Vi søger engagerede studenter til at deltage i vores forskning inden for membran-transportproteiner og kanaler. Vi har særligt fokus på nyrens regulering af kroppens væskebalance som spiller en afgørende rolle ved en række sygdomstilstande eks. forhøjet blodtryk og hjertesygdomme.
Som forskningsårsstuderende vil du blive en del af vores dynamiske og stimulerende forskningsgruppe, der i øjeblikket består af forskningsleder professor Robert Fenton, flere postdocs, ph.d. studerende, tilknyttede studerende og flere bioanalysikere/laboranter. Vi holder til på Institut for Biomedicin (tidligere Anatomisk Institut). Forskningsåret vil give dig mulighed for at blive oplært i og få erfaring indenfor en række molekylære og billededannende state-of-the-art teknikker. Du har rig mulighed for selv at få indflydelse på dit projekt. Desuden er der gode muligheder for kortere eller længerevarende ophold hos vores internationale samarbejdspartnere i f.eks. Californien, USA.
Af dig forventer vi positivt engagement, lyst til at lære og samarbejde om fælles projekter samt aktiv deltagelse i forskningsgruppens fælles aktiviter.
Er du den rigtig person er finansiering af projektet på plads. Der er mulighed for at starte med det samme.
Kontakt: Hanne B. Moeller, MD PhD, Email: